To further the purposes of the Adler-Aquinas Institute (“AAI”), international scholars and education reform advocates are being invited to join the Academic Fellowship of the Institute to contribute their scholarship and practical efforts to advance the Institute goals and help develop and spread the intellectual culture of the Institute. [Fellows are listed in alphabetical order below, after the first five officers]
Peter L. P. Simpson, AAI Fellow
Dr. Roberta Bayer, AAI Fellow
Terrence Berres, J.D., AAI Fellow
Christopher S. Morrissey
Fr. Joseph D. Fessio, SJ, Th.D., AAI Chancellor
Peter A. Redpath, Ph.D., AAI Rector, Fellow
Curtis L. Hancock, Ph.D., AAI Praeses, Fellow
Prof. Piotr Jaroszynski PhD, AAI Provost
Patrick S.J. Carmack, J.D., AAI Fellow, Executive Director
Stephen F. Bertucci, AAI Dean of Students
Fr. Dominic Anaeto, S.T.D., AAI Fellow
Mark Anielski, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Russell Berman, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Ronda Chervin, AAI Fellow
Rev. Msgr. Ricardo Coronado Arrascue, J.C.D., AAI Fellow
Scott J. Bloch, J.D., AAI Fellow
Paul Richard Blum, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Mark Brumley, AAI Fellow
Kenneth A. Bryson, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Sr. Helena Burns, FSP, BA, AAI Fellow
William E. Carroll, AAI Fellow
Imelda Chlodna, PhD, AAI Fellow
John N. Deely, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Robert A. Delfino, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Raymond Dennehy, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Jude Dougherty, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Lois M. Eveleth, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Richard J. Fafara, PhD, AAI Fellow
Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., AAI Fellow
Desmond J. FitzGerald, PhD, AAI Fellow
Enrique Martinez Garcia,Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Herb Hartmann, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
John P. Hittinger, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
A. Joseph Indelicato, AAI Fellow
Jim Kelly, J.D., AAI Fellow
Thaddeus J. Kozinski, Ph.D., AAI
Fr. Peter Kucer, MSA, AAI Fellow
Herbert I. London, PhD., AAI Fellow
Edward M. Macierowski, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Sebastian Mahfood, OP, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Eric Marshall McLuhan, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Michael B. Mangini, J.D., AAI Fellow
Ken Masugi, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
A William McVey B.Th., M.A., AAI Fellow
Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., STD
Nikolas T. Nikas, AAI Fellow
Sr. Margaret J. Obrovac, AAI Fellow
Marvin Peláez, MA, MPA, AAI Fellow
Alice M. Ramos, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Peter K. Redpath, J.D., AAI Fellow
Candace de Russy, Ph.D, AAI Fellow
James V. Schall, S.J., AAI Fellow J
Steve Schultz, AAI Fellow
Angelyn Spignesi Arden, Ph.D., AAI Fellow
Carla Mae Streeter, OP, AAI Fellow
Robert C. Trundle, PhD, AAI Fellow
Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz, PhD., AAI Fellow
James A. Warren, AAI Fellow
Max Weismann, AAI Fellow